How to Succeed & How to *Not* Fail

Failure is loaded and heavy. It is the opposite of success. In this creative studio, we define success as:

Doing what I said I would do, with clarity, focus, ease & grace.

Success is simply that. You get to BE successful in the act of DOING, not in some future tense time (i.e. “I’ll be successful when I win that Oscar”. “I’ll be successful when I get that promotion with the corner office facing the park and a raise”).

If that’s how we define success, how might we define failure? Simply… 

NOT doing what we said we would do. Inaction. Choosing to stay stuck.

It can be scary to take action towards your vision because there’s a risk that whatever you do or make might not turn out as you had envisioned it in your mind’s eye. Let's get something clear:

You don't fail if you work towards something and it doesn't end up how you pictured it. You can only "fail" if you don't work towards something at all. 

Having a vision or a dream about something you love is nothing more than having a guiding light, a "north star", that brings you into action and out of your head.

Once you start to explore this idea in physical reality, i.e. take a step towards it, tons of new information and real life experience starts to accumulate, inherently changing the direction of your vision. 

So if both failing and succeeding take energy, where is your energy better spent? In doing the thing and seeing what happens (see: choice vs. decision), or in staying stuck?

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